Join the SharedStake Co-Op

Volunteering / Working for the DAO

We're happy to hear you want to help SharedStake!

Sharedstake is a volunteer run organization.

Volunteers become co-op shareholders and receive a share of the vested tokens.

Please see the project management issues at:

Our project management repo

More issues in the open source components such as the UI & contracts.

For everyone starting off, payouts come directly from the founding developer Chimera out of their founder shares. Please ping him to confirm there is need.

20% of the founder vested rewards will go towards volunteers. And ramp up to 40% if a meaningful match from the treasury is not gained via Snapshot voting.

Of this 60% will be slated towards devs and 40% towards marketing. If the counterparty is not present, 100% will go towards the single department.

The prize pool will be split over the contributors in each department based on performance, seniority etc at the discretion of the founder. So far just slush fund distributed evenly.

Payouts will occur on the token holders discretion

Depending on work done, the entire payout pot may not be used and only task based payouts may be received

Depending on contribution and effect on token price, the total payout % will increase to incentivize long standing contributors to stay

You may waive the payouts and inclusion in the volunteer lists for any reasons.


Please fill out the form if you've contributed to the SharedStake protocol DAO.


Past payouts

Last updated